Energy communities for collective self-consumption: frameworks, practices and tools

June-December 2020 - Online

Webinars in French and English

>>> Watch the replay of the webinars <<<

Renewable and waste energies are increasingly mobilized at the building, village or city level. At the same time, "energy communities" are emerging at the initiative of citizens with the support of local authorities, associations or companies. These transformations push actors to act or react and modify the spaces, institutions and norms governing energy networks and housing. International speakers (Europa, Asia, Americas) from social sciences (economics, sociology, urban planning etc.) and design sciences (electrical, thermal and computer engineering, etc.) will propose, compare and update knowledge on the frameworks, practices and tools of energy communities, considered here as local mediations between production and consumption.


October 15, 14:30 - 16:30 : Feedbacks on energy communities research and discussion with institutionnal stakeholders

September 15, 10 am - 12 pm: Consumers' role in the design and management of energy systems: from the individual to the collective

September 8, 10 am - 12 pm: From tool development/spreading to living energy community project

July 7, 3 pm - 4:45 pm: Do community energy projects reshape practices of inhabitants, professionals or local authorities?

June 30, 10 am - 12 pm: How do community energy design and urban processes fit together?

June 23, 10 am - 12 pm: Opportunities and impacts of digital technologies for energy communities

June 16:

  • 10 am - 12 pm: How do production/supply/sharing energy communities emerge and develop?
  • 2 pm - 4 pm: Which skills and tools  to support energy communities?

June 15:

  • 10:30 am - 12 pm: Opening session
  • 2 pm - 4 pm: How regulations are shaping energy communities?

Detailed programme

Key words

Renewable energy, collective, deliberation, design, planning, control, intermediary, territorial or communitarian energy system, planning, development, regulation, energy self-sufficiency, reliability, solidarity, automation, social control, technology, energy management, values.

Registration information

The registration will open on May 19 on the present website (tab "Registration"). Registration is mandatory 2 days ahead each webinar to receive the connection link.

Call for contributions

Please find the whole call for paper. Contributions are expected for March 30, 2020.

Partners of the event (provisory)

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June 15, 16, 23 and 30, July 7, September 8 and 15, October 15, 2020: online conference (details)

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